Friday, January 30, 2009


Bought my new Prada wallet in Gold Coast, surfers paradise

Conversation in shop

Me: do i really need to buy this wallet? my guess wallet has been used for almost more than 3 years. + i found that da person i dun like also used dat brand of wallet.

Sis: if you got the money, buy it urself lah. da wallet is quite nice. it is classic, will nvr gone out of fashion

Me: i dun like lv, gucci...a lot of people immitate those 2 brands. y do u pay more instead you can get a fake one with the same look, with different quality and price? people will think, hey gal, u r carrying the fake wallet instead of u paid a lot for it.

Sis: up to you. dats your own decision. but i think, this one is better than da bvlgari wallet that you like last year. and da price is only few bucks different. i suggest you to buy this...


After short thinking, yeah, i finally bought it.

The next few days, i went to bvlgari shop again with my mum. i was so relieved, because prada wallet that i have now, da look is a lot better than bvlagari, also da size, is more suit me. Thanks Lord. I got it finally.

热热热 热得像在火炉里

报道说 这几天将是这个世纪连续热的几天
我的妈呀 全家人都在这儿 还需要受这苦 辛苦你们了
43+c 连连几天 晚上翻来覆去的 睡不着
幸好 在我来到这儿的第一个夏天买了一部移动冷气机
是时候派上用场了 可是 比起往年 不冷了许多
可能 是从来没清洗的关系吧
感谢主 今晚终于cool change了

Monday, January 26, 2009


今年很庆幸 家人都在这儿过年
早晨 爸爸煮了八珍猪脚面线给我们吃 好幸福
收拾完毕后 就到一位uncle家坐
虽然 这已不是我们第一次在国外过年
但是 这次的感觉 真的与往年不同
就是 不知如何形容的感觉
虽然少了鞭炮声 可是 一旦到华人区域 还是能感觉到新年的气氛
农历新年 当然也少不了压岁钱啦
发糕 年糕 鱿鱼丝 等等 样样有
遗憾的是 少了鞭炮声 及团拜的气氛
过年了 代表又长大一岁了
希望今年更胜往年 万事如意 万事亨通 心想事成


第三天 去wet 'n' wild 玩水时 一个不小心 晒伤了皮肤
涂了防晒膏 也是没用 可能是皮肤太薄的关系吧
回来后 发觉身体烫烫的 一片通红
泳衣遮到哪里 颜色也就印到哪里
现在的皮肤 已如不需再穿衣了
直到现在还是疼痛的 只好再涂上芦荟gel 希望会帮助到
想想 这已是本人第二次阳光晒伤了
上一次 是在悉尼bondi beach
这一次 历史又重演了

trip to GC

visited queensland with my family for 4 days 3 nights
we lived in focus apartment, which is fully facility but the only problem is without air-con
the location is quite good, alongside surfers paradise
we visited 3 theme parks--> sea world, movie world & wet & wild waterworld
besides, we had thai food at the last night in gold coast
we also rent a 8 seaters kia, this is da 1st time i drove such a big car
the feeling was so different than when i drove pajero or rexton in msia
a bit scared, but still excited when driving, but at last, i manage to drive da whole journey
the trip is really wonderful & relaxing
had been such a long time da whole family din traveling 2gther
i really appreciate the time with them
love you all

Monday, January 19, 2009

daily updated

Another warm day
Up to 35c
Went a lot of places, such as Glen Waverley, Box Hill, Westfield Doncaster
Helped sis to open a new account in CAB
Also helped mum to collect new envelopes from every banks
She is very happy with all the new red packets that she got
Had a happy moment with my family because my father played 'rummikub' with all of us after we finished our dinner
I love my mum & dad
And now, planning for tomorrow's activities ^.^

Saturday, January 17, 2009



因為 我喜歡旅行 跟旅行團也好 一個人也好
我 喜歡欣賞漂亮的風景
由祂創造出來的 一切都是漂亮的

風景 可以讓人的心情愉快 暫時拋開一切煩惱
清新 愚笨 壓力的腦袋
來到這個部落格 看看每次更換的照片
不開心 沉重的心 也頓時開朗了起來

有時固定的生活 會讓人很無趣 無聊
在生活中 多出一些新鮮感 偶爾也不錯
就像 這個部落格 常常更新的圖像一樣

所以 從今天開始 嶄新的生活正等著我
忘記從前的日子 把從前的經歷 當作是成長必經之路
感謝神 在去年 我經歷了許多 成熟了不少
因為 耶和華曾應許說
:" 你們不要紀念從前的事, 也不要思想古時的事.
看哪, 我要做一件新事;
如今要發現, 你們起不知道嗎?
我必在曠野開道路, 在沙漠開江河." (賽 43:18-19)

不要效法這個世界, 只要新意更新而變化,
叫你們查驗何為上帝的良善, 純全, 可喜悅的旨意." (羅12:2)

是的 新的一年 全新的我


興奮不安 心情卻是超開心的
為甚麼呢 哈哈 原因很簡單
不安 是怕 他會說 '妳又肥了' 這句話
可是 還是很開心 因為 又見到你們了

沒關係 我就是我嘛
臉圓嘟嘟的 沒身材 反應慢 減肥從來沒成功過--> 這就是我


S-stop from giving any excuses
T-take inventory as an asset
A-act in faith

Thursday, January 15, 2009


今天 心情好了许多
昨天 热得要命 大概39度
今天却凉快多了 才23度罢了

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2009 first blog

I decided to have another new blog
I have restricted the use of my last blog
So, everyone out there~
This is my new blog
Welcome to read my blog & welcome to post comments!