Monday, February 23, 2009


上周六下午 抵达了柏斯
这里的天气 真的很热 比墨尔本的普通天气热许多
因为 不知该晚应该住在哪儿
找房子的事 把我忙得头昏脑涨
拒绝了一个又一个 一间是因为太旧 太脏 同鬼佬一起住
另一间的理由更牵强 那个女的是个中国人
从前在墨尔本待过一阵子 她与屋主签了六个月的契约
那间家里什么都没有 房租又贵 我还必须与她share the cost to buy fridge &washing machine
弄到我超不爽的 问她不如我买其它的东西 我们一起用 她说不必
我在心里想:why do i need to bear the cost with you if u only stay there for 6 months? isnt it troublesome once we move our from the house & will not stay 2gther in future? u said you bought a fridge & washing machine, but put da tv & dvd player in ur own room, is that sharing? i can buy those too. I m trying to buy vacumn, dryer etc..but what she replied me was: i dun think we need da dryer, if only got a few clothes, i can go to my frenz's house to dry them.
So, you planned everything. Never care about others feelings. I dun wan to live with selfish people. Because i m strong headed, i will not live with those people harmonically. Even though i wont argue with others face to face, but i will not be happy. Life is fulled of happiness & joy, i dun want to ruin mine.
当天 selinda & yec 去机场接我时 我还是很担心 前一晚担心到睡不好 在飞机上也是
离开机场 他们带我到柏斯最大的商场吃午餐 之后去买东西
一路上 我一直告诉selinda我很担心今晚该睡哪儿
直到我告诉屋主我回去看看那屋的环境时 另一位友人才告诉我 他家里还有一间空房
当时的心情 不知是喜还是忧 感觉被人耍了 害我天天担心 
之前他一直告诉我 不用担心 相信他 总有地方住的 就是不信任我
是的 我本来就不是个容易信任他人的一个人
那个人总要做一些事情让我信任的 可是 你毁了机会
经过这件事之后 然而我却渐渐开始不相信这个人了 无论他对朋友多么好 我也无动于衷
交了女朋友 也不跟我们说一声 真是不讲义气 
这儿的天气 真的很热 水是咸咸的 周日店门都没开 开始想念墨尔本了
从前的我 真的很不懂得珍惜 现在真的好后悔
发觉 住在这儿没有汽车真的很不方便 就像我现在只能呆在家的 哪儿也去不了 
宝贝车啊 你什么时候才会回到我身边呢 
还有 我那五个箱子 里面的东西可多呢 
屋主的妈妈与妹妹今天早上回来了 希望能跟他们好好相处
好了 就此停笔

Thursday, February 19, 2009

a day

A day more to go
I am leaving Melbourne, da place i stayed for more than 6 years
B4 arrival to Melbourne, was excited to come here to study
But, ending up leaving with a bit sad & disappointed

Monday, February 16, 2009


Was so frustrating
I duno where m i gona stay as i will arrive in perth this saturday

Option 1: Stay with a chinese gal from china, she is married & her husband will always fly from msia to perth. (I am a bit worried about this, as i dun really like china people, miscommunicate with them, i found that they are abit selfish- want me to stay with them with sharing fridge & washing machine in order to bear the cost, however, tv & video player at her own room. I really dun like the feeling. She signed a contract for 6 months and will move out, why do i need to bear da cost with her? I can buy other electrical appliances as we can take our own stuffs away once we move without worrying about the share. Off-we-go.)

Option 2: Stay with other 2 guys who arent available. (i dun like to only living with guys. If wana live wif guy, must hv another gal to live under a roof, just like wat i m experiencing now in clayton, melbourne)

Option 3: Still waiting for reply from Bruce Ling. I duno when he gona reply me. According to Pastor Shirley Ling, da owner will renovate their house at the end of da month. AND, no update yet.

I am so confusing now. Which one to choose? My stuffs (car & boxes) are on the way there. Wats da address to send to? Oh no............I hate this! Make me headache! Can someone give me some advices?

And suddenly found dat, M'sia is still the best! As i dun need to worry anything.

Tried to find those old frenz in Perth, but seems like everyone is bz with their lives. Nobody cares for me. *sob*sob

Saturday, February 14, 2009

sibu porridge is cooked by my youngest sis
The taste was almost similar to those sold in qingshang foodstall, sibu
Fortunately, i got a chance to hv it,with adding ham somemore
And, it made my day...

early birthday

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to my sis
Happy birthday to you

As i wont be in melb for my coming birthday, both sis celebrated an early birthday with me
They bought a durian cake ( i like 2 eat durian very much)
I appreciate it. Thx, cindy & irene..


昨天 是我人生中第一次敷面膜
敷完后 感觉脸蛋比较轻 总之感觉良好

Friday, February 13, 2009

victorian bushfire

It was happened in the northern countryside of Melbourne
People believed dat it was man-made
However, there are more than 180+people lost their lives in this incident
Pay my condolences to those who lost their families
I only can donate money & clothes to those victims as i cant help in the site
Pray to Lord, only Him can comfort all of them
Believe Him



打从我进入大学开始 就在这儿参加崇拜

入了会 上了门徒课 不再一样课程 拿了些许事奉 认识了各式各样的人物

感谢神的带领 让我不断的学习许多

下个星期 我将要离开这间教会 往其他的地方发展

求神保守我的心 带领我前面的道路


这个礼拜天 是我最后一个星期在这间教会事奉
当了助唱多年来 感谢天父给我的恩赐 有好的嗓音 能在教会中服侍你
与弟兄姐妹的同工 好的学习环境 活泼动容的领袖课程
待人处事 虽然我们之间也有摩擦 不外乎让我在学习当中成长
有传道的栽培 令我生命声色不少
谢谢克莱顿崇拜 谢谢你们给我机会

spiritual gifts test

God imparts spiritual gifts to believers through his Holy Spirit to enable each believer to play a productive role in His Kingdom. A spiritual gift is a significant ability given to each believer to equip and move them to serve in unique ways to perpetuate the growth of the church.Following are the top three results of your Spiritual Gifts Test:

Spiritual Gifts Scripture Reference

67% Teacher Hebrews 5:12-14
67%Servant/Helps Acts 6:2-4
67%Music 1 Corinthians 14:26

These gifts exceed the normal ability level of an individual that may come through life experience or knowledge. In fact many refer to these gifts as a "supernatural ability" vs. "natural ability" that a person may posses.Everyone has God-given talents, but He also bestows supernatural abilities to those believers who will give themselves over to His Spirit. These individuals are used for ministry in His Kingdom to help members of the body of Christ. They are also used to extend the church’s witness and ministry into the world.

This is a nice try to let you know whether you hv utilise the gifts that God gives you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

my car

终于 拖运公司的人来我家 运走了我的车
据他们估计 将在25th feb 才会抵达目的地
因为火车轨道出了些问题 把一切的货运延迟了

Monday, February 9, 2009

finalise my packing

Last night, after church, i was busy packing up my stuffs again
I gona finalise my packing so that i dun need to worry anymore
The removal coy told me that they will contact with me an hour b4 they come to pick up my stuffs
Thus, i have to pack up last nite
Another reason is that, nobody gona help me da next morning as my youngest sis needs to go to study & the other one is having her summer exam
Luckily, with the help of cindy ( she actually gave me a lot of opinions) i managed to put all the stuffs in and sealed all 5 boxes
Phew.....finally i m done!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

new bible

Thinking of buying a new bilingual bible for myself
But, a question raise in my mind
Do i really need to buy one?
I am satisfy with my current chinese bible
The main idea i try to get a new one, bcos i wana learn in english
AND, with bilingual? chinese can help me when i dun quite understand some english phrases or titles
Any suggestions?


Called several companies to quote price
I wont sell my car as it is my 1st new car, as a present from my dad
The car is still new & i was doubted why should i sell my car, as it is so meaningful to me?
As a conclusion, i need to spend $1120+ to freight it over to perth
On the other hand, i bought 2 more boxes again
Because i found that 4 boxes are just not enough for me
I had a big box of clothes, 2 more boxes with my rice cooker, coffee machine, study lamp, touch lamp radio, shoes etc
Another small box full of books
Do i really need to bring so much stuffs over?
I have no idea....
What if, i only go there for several months?
What if, i still cant get a proper job?
What if, i hv no luck there?
My brain now, is js fulled of these kind of questions
Lord, please show me your way. I need You to guide & lead me, go through all of these.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


看了看报纸 移民政策又有新变化
我 又开始担心了
再过十几天 我必须到另一个新的环境 开始新的生活
去那里谋生 一个人 孤孤单单的 到外打拚
之后的生活 还是个未知数
现在的心情好乱 好复杂
PR 越来越难拿了 经济不景气 各地裁员 失业率越来越高
刚刚步出社会的我 是不好的消息啊
到了新地方 也不知能不能找到我想要的工作
此刻的我 想法是悲观的 消极的
上帝啊 我该怎么做呢?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Ya, a topic about my family
Parent & younger bro went back to msia after spending 2 weeks holiday here in aust
My father will sure share his story about the hot hot weather here with everyone
My mum will definitely too
And, both of them, with one voice, agreed not to come again during summer
Holiday? NO! only SuffErInG> according to them
Ya, and we, those in aust, will go back for CNY next year...c all of u again in 2010
But....hope tat both of u will visit me around this year..perhaps, when i hv settle down everything in a new place?


Spent a whole day to tidy up my stuffs, and packed them into boxes that i bought
Finally, a whole big box fulled of clothes!
However, i havent pack my radio, accessories, coffee machine etc
Oh no, i will start to get bz from this week onwards..