Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Exerciese ^Keep fit

Went jogging with frenz along riverside
It was really a nice experience
If possible, i gona jog every weekend
Other times (weekdays), i will jog around the area where i live rite now
I couldnt afford of joining gym club, although Leeming recreation centre is js located opposite my house
Thus, i choose the most valuable & dun need to spend way to keep fit
I have gained 5 kgs since i came to perth
Oh no, when i stepped on da weighing machine, OMG, i js cant believe it
Either the machine is broken or js inaccurate
And now, i accepting the fact that, i am gaining weight
I need to keep fit, start from nowon
Have more fruits & veges instead of meat and takeaway food
Sometimes, was js immotivate to cook especially cook alone & eat alone every meal, everyday
Sometimes, was hs lazy to cook, instant noodles would be fine
No rubbish food from nowon
I need determination, i want to lose 5kgs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i tot you can reduce weight after going to perth... but the fact is.... haha...