Friday, February 13, 2009

spiritual gifts test

God imparts spiritual gifts to believers through his Holy Spirit to enable each believer to play a productive role in His Kingdom. A spiritual gift is a significant ability given to each believer to equip and move them to serve in unique ways to perpetuate the growth of the church.Following are the top three results of your Spiritual Gifts Test:

Spiritual Gifts Scripture Reference

67% Teacher Hebrews 5:12-14
67%Servant/Helps Acts 6:2-4
67%Music 1 Corinthians 14:26

These gifts exceed the normal ability level of an individual that may come through life experience or knowledge. In fact many refer to these gifts as a "supernatural ability" vs. "natural ability" that a person may posses.Everyone has God-given talents, but He also bestows supernatural abilities to those believers who will give themselves over to His Spirit. These individuals are used for ministry in His Kingdom to help members of the body of Christ. They are also used to extend the church’s witness and ministry into the world.

This is a nice try to let you know whether you hv utilise the gifts that God gives you.

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